Rules for writing articles

Rules for sending materials to the editor

Materials for publication must be sent by e-mail:
or directly to the responsible secretary –

Articles are published in the Journal in the order of priority as they arrive at the editorial office and undergo peer review. The decision on an extraordinary publication is made by the editorial board of the Journal.

Articles containing signs of falsification of the results of scientific research, initial data and information, and plagiarism are not accepted for publication.

The editors have the right to return the article to the author for revision if the article does not comply with the formatting rules, at the conclusion of the reviewers or in the opinion of the editorial board.

The composition of the sent materials:
1) an electronic version of the article in Word format – a file with the .doc extension (not .docx!);
2) author's information in Word format – a file with the .doc extension (not .docx!);
3) a scanned version of the original article, drawn up according to the rules of the Journal and signed by the authors on the last page – a pdf file.

Information about the authors


The structure and volume of article for publication in "Field Journal of Biology"

Material volume
The volume of materials sent to the editorial office is not regulated, but it is recommended for the text part not to exceed 2 author's sheets (40,000 printed characters), and the file size with all photographs used in the article should not exceed 20 MB.

The structure of the article and its elements
All text is typed in Times New Roman (12 pt), without additional indents on the left and right, with single line spacing, without additional spacing, without hyphenation, without bold, italic or underlining.
Auto-numbering and bulleted lists by default should not be used in the text.
Exception: the title of the article, the names of the authors, and the titles of the sections of the article are highlighted in bold.

The sign of the universal decimal classification (UDC) is indicated before the title of the article. Placed at the top left, without paragraph indentation, and aligned to the left.

Title of the article
The title of the article should reflect its content, not exceed 12 words. It is typed in bold, without indentation and centered.

Surname First name of authors (in Russian and English)
The version of the surname should be indicated in the version that is indexed in international databases.

Organization and it's full address (in Russian and English)
Indicated for working authors.
The name of the institution or organization as presented in official documents or on their web pages.
The name of the institution or organization as presented in official documents or on their web pages.
Then, on a new line, the postal address of the organization, university, scientific institution (or the place of residence of the non-working author) is indicated, including the country, the index of the settlement, the settlement, the street, the building number.
If there are two or more authors and they are employees of different organizations, then the organizations and their addresses are indicated for each co-author separately (the author and the organization are indicated by a superscript). If all co-authors are from one organization, then its name and address should be indicated only once.

Indicate the e-mail address of all authors in order.

Annotation (in Russian and English)
The abstract to the article is intended to fulfill the function of a source of information independent of the article, it must be understandable without referring to the publication itself.
The abstract should contain a description of the main purpose of the research, a brief description of the methods used and summarize the most important research results and their significance, should not exaggerate or contain material that is missing in the main part of the publication. Abbreviations must be deciphered. The use of pictures in the text of the annotation is not allowed. Formulas should be formatted using the standard Word symbol table.
The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract.
You should avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, "the author of the article is considering ..."). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, descriptions of previously published works and generally known provisions, are not given in the author's summary. The text of the annotation should be laconic and clear, free from general and insignificant formulations, should be coherent, disparate statements should logically flow from one another.
It is not allowed in the annotation to quote and use links to other works.

Keywords (in Russian and English)
The number of keywords can be from 3 to 10. These can be single words or phrases. You should not repeat words and phrases from the title; it is recommended to use words that complement the idea of the published work.
It should be remembered that by keywords the article is searched in databases.

Acknowledgments (in Russian and English)
This indicates grants, contractual works, or other funding options for the research being submitted.

Conflict of interest (in Russian and English)
If the authors have a conflict of interest, please indicate it here. If there is no conflict of interest, then note its absence.

Further, the main text of the article is drawn up in Russian or English with the highlighting of the relevant sections:
Material and methods
Results and discussion

General requirements for the design of inline links, tables, illustrations, formulas
In-text references
In-text references to literature are given in square brackets, where the author's surname (in the absence of the author, the first words of the title), the year of publication of the publication are indicated, for example: [Rubenstein, 2015], [Code of laws ..., 2010].
Each item of the bibliography must have a reference in the text.
When citing the original or a translation of a work from legally published sources (to the extent justified by the purpose of the citation), after the link to the source, you must indicate the page on which the quoted fragment is located, for example: [Cheng, 2015, p. 20].
If the publication has two authors, then both surnames and the year are indicated, for example: [Dorokhov, Zaitsev, 2015]. If there are three or more authors, then only the surname of the first author is indicated and written "et al." For example: [Wen et al., 2020; Shulman et al., 2015].
When mentioning the names of authors in the text, write: “I.I. Smirnov et al. [2015] showed ... "; “There is an opinion [O'Connoretal., 2018], according to which ...” etc.
In the case of using materials from several publications, references to them are arranged in chronological order, for example: “In a number of works [Spiegler, 2015; Wrenn, Loomis, 2015; Bychkov, Smirnov, 2015] was discovered ... ”. If works of the same year are cited, the references are arranged in alphabetical order. If several works of the same author (group of authors) published in the same year are cited, then lowercase letters in alphabetical order are added to the year. For example: [Petrov et al., 2015a, 2015b; Smith, 2018a, 2018b; McAloonetal., 2018b]. The order of the letters is determined by the placement of the source in the List of References.
Footnotes can include information about legislative, regulatory, archival, published and other documents, reports, and semantic notes (comments, additions, etc.).
When using a fragment of the text of a radio or TV program as a research material, the author of the program (if any), the name of the program, the name of the radio or TV channel and the date of the program's airing are indicated in the footnote. If the research material is quotes from newspapers or any non-scientific publications (magazines, websites, archival documents, etc.), the source is indicated in a page footnote.

The article may contain tables, each with a short descriptive heading above the table, justified alignment.
Text formatting in tables: single line spacing, font: Times New Roman, size: 11.
Tables should be placed in the text after reference to them is first made (for example, “Table 1”). If you need to refer to the table later in the text, you should use “See Table 1”. All tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text. If there is only one table in the article, then it does not need a number; use “See Table” to refer to it in this case.
Tables should support the text material. Therefore, their content should not be duplicated in the text. However, some generalized data from tables can be used when analyzing the results obtained.
By structure, tables should be simple, easy to read and import into the Journal's publication software. Avoid complicated tables and lengthy headings.
If possible, digital data are provided in summary tables. Quantitative data used for the comparative analysis should be statistically processed (error of the mean, confidence interval confidence interval, reliability, sample size, etc.). All columns in the table should be headed, with measurement units shown, if necessary.
Avoid tables with information placed in one line only, as well as extensive tables listing the results of floral and faunistic studies. When analyzed and summarized, such data should be provided in form of plain text.
All the indicators in a table heading should be used in the plural form (e.g. Indicators, Lakes, etc.), except for generalizing words, phenomena, etc., which are usually given only in the singular form (e.g. Temperature, Amount, etc.).
In tables, use only generally accepted abbreviations and abbreviations introduced by the author in the text of the article. Do not use graphic symbols. If some data in the table need explanations, these data are marked with superscript indices (1, 2 for text and *, ** for numbers) and explanatory matter should be placed in footnotes under the table, introduced by the word “Note”.
Don’t use either images of tables or tables inserted into bigger tables.
If rows or columns of the table exceed the page format, divide the table into parts, placing one part under the other or next to it, repeating the column headers and row headers on each new page, or replacing them with the corresponding numbers of columns and rows. In this case, each column and row in the first part of the table should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Above the continuation table on a new page, type “Table 3. Continuation” or “Table 3 (continued)”)” (if the table does not end on this page) or “Table 3. Completion” (if the table ends there).
It is advisable to use Portrait, rather than Landscape, page layout for tables.

All photos, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc. should be marked as Figures (Illustrations) with the corresponding captions. Captions should be editable.
Captions requirements: single line spacing, font: Times New Roman, size: 11.
Each figure should be referred to in the text of the article. Figures are placed in the text after reference to them is first made. When a figure is mentioned for the first time, use “Fig. 2”, if it referred again further in the text, use “See Fig.2”.
Illustrations should be only used if they complement the text material and facilitate understanding the complex material.
Graphs and diagrams used in the article must be prepared in Microsoft Word and be editable.
Text in the illustrations should be readable and kept to a minimum. Figures should be submitted in Jpg and Jpeg formats and wrapped In Line With Text.
Ordinary graphs, diagrams and charts should not exceed half a standard A4 sheet (about 16×12 cm) and only very sophisticated figures can cover up to one standard A4 sheet (about 17×25 cm).
Graphs and diagrams should be in black and white, clear and well drawn.
Avoid using more than three graphs or diagrams in one Figure as it then becomes cumbersome and difficult to read.
Avoid inserting illustrations into tables.

To write formulas, use only the Microsoft Equation editor that comes with Microsoft Word. The formula should be placed only on one line in the center of the page. Large formulas should be moved to the next line, with each new line being a new object. The formula can be transferred only after the signs “+”, “–”, “?”, “:”, as well as after the “=” sign. Make sure that you repeat the sign on the line where the formula is transferred. If there are several formulas going one after another, without any text between them, they should be separated by a comma. Do not scale formulas up or down.
Font for formulas: Times New Roman, sizes: normal – 12, large index – 9, small index – 7, large character – 14, small character – 11.
Images of formulas are not accepted!
Formulas should be numbered only there are references to them in the text, for example: the coefficients were calculated using Formula (6). In other cases, formulas are not numbered. When numbering formulas, use Arabic numerals: the number is put in parentheses and written to the right of the formula (right justified alignment).

In this section, the author may express appreciation or gratitude to someone who helped or contributed to the research for free.

Sources are arranged in alphabetical order. The list of references is not numbered.
Reference should be made to the first sources.
References to the works of the authors of the article should not exceed 20% of the list of sources.

An example (template) of an article


General requirements for the design of the list of references
References are listed in alphabetical order. The titles of books, articles, magazines, publishing houses are indicated in full, without abbreviations.
The design of References has its own peculiarities. The titles of works in languages that do not use the Russian or Latin alphabet (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) are given in English (the original language should be indicated in parentheses); in languages using the Latin alphabet (English, German, French, Polish, etc.) are given in the original language (the English translation of the title is given in square brackets).
The titles of Russian-language journals, articles, as well as books, monographs, collections of articles and conferences are transliterated and also translated into English (in square brackets after transliteration). If an article or a journal has an official English-language title, then this name is given in the list of references in Latin, transliteration is not required in this case, and the original language is indicated at the end of the link, for example: (in Russian).
If the description contains transliteration, you do not need to indicate the original language (in Russian) at the end.
The name of the publishers (proper name) is only transliterated. The words “volume”, “issue”, “series”, “edited”, “publishing house”, “translation from ...”, abbreviated designation of the page – “s.”, As well as the place of publication (name of the city) are given only in English ... The surnames of Russian authors are only transliterated (or given in the source version), foreign ones are given in the language of the author.
When linking to articles from Russian journals that have a translated version, it is better to provide a link to the translated version of the article.
For transliteration, it is recommended to use the simple system or the US Department of State system.
You can use the free program on the website, choosing the option of the Board of Geographic Names (BGN) system, or use the BSI system.
Submission of only transliterated (no translation into English) description in References is not allowed.
The name of the source and the output data are separated from the names of the authors and the title of the article by a dot. The / and // signs are not used. No commas are placed between the author's surname and his initials. The type of publications (textbook, study guide, monograph, etc.) is not indicated.

Example of a design of a references list