Brief Ecological and Morphological Characteristics of Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link (Poaceae) in Northern Part of European Russia
distribution, common rivergrass, phytocenology, ecology, ecological scales, ecological morphology, Vologda Region, Komi RepublicAbstract
Ecological and morphological characteristics of the large, poorly studied plant Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link (family Poaceae) are given on the basis of our own field research and analysis of herbarium collections. In the European North of Russia, common rivergrass grows along the banks of watershed and floodplain lakes, slow-flowing rivers and their backwaters, and, less often, in wet and swampy meadows and lakeside mires. According to the environmental scales of D.N. Tsyganov, for the species, the limiting factors of the macroclimate should apparently be considered the balance of precipitation and evaporation and the general temperature. For the microclimate, these factors are illumination and the richness of the soil in mineral salts. Ecotopes in the studied communities with the participation of S. festucacea were under conditions of weakly variable moisture. They had substrate moisture ranging from damp to swamp-forest-meadow. The soils are non-saline, poor in nitrogen, but quite rich in mineral salts with a pH of 4.5–6.5. The illumination of ecotopes corresponded to semi-open spaces. The growth form of the plant is defined as an underground non-turf herbaceous perennial polycarpic. The basis of the entire plant is formed by monocarpic shoots, after the death of which the rhizide becomes part of the complex stolon. The underground part of the plant contains many buds, which can begin to grow if the shoot tips are damaged. This allows the plant to quickly restore lost biomass.
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