Materials for Maintenance of the Red Data Book of the Yaroslavl Region, Based on the Results of Research on Vascular Plants in 2013–2014


  • Eduard V. Garin Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Dmitriy A. Philippov Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences



biodiversity, new records, rare species, vascular plants, herbarium, European Russia


The original data on rare and protected vascular plant species of the Yaroslavl Region, collected in the Breytovsky, Myshkinsky, Nekouzsky, Pereslavsky, Rostovsky, and Rybinsky districts in 2013 and 2014, were summarized. New information on the distribution in the region is provided for 47 species, including
29 protected species, 16 species in need of regular monitoring, and 2 rare species lacking the conservation status. Among the protected species, in category 0 (Extinct), one species was recorded, category 1 (Endangered) – two species, category 2 (Vulnerable) – three species, category 3 (Rare) – 20 species, and category 4 (Data Deficient or Not Evaluated) – three species. The most important findings were of the two species listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (Isoetes echinospora and Dactylorhiza baltica); among those worthy of attention, were the findings of Potamogeton acutifolius and Sparganium gramineum, as well as Utricularia × neglecta in the transformed water bodies, where the species was widespread. It was not possible to confirm the modern state of the apparently extinct in the region Subularia aquatica.


Research was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, project no. 121051100099-5.


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Author Biographies

Eduard V. Garin, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Borok, Yaroslavl Region, Russia

Dmitriy A. Philippov, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Borok, Yaroslavl Region, Russia


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##article.numberofviews## 131




How to Cite

Garin, E. V., & Philippov, D. A. (2022). Materials for Maintenance of the Red Data Book of the Yaroslavl Region, Based on the Results of Research on Vascular Plants in 2013–2014. Field Biologist Journal, 4(4), 293-303.




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