About the Journal

                         Periodical scientific publication "Field Biologist Journal"

                    has been published since 2019


The "Field Biologist Journal" publishes the results of open scientific research in botany, zoology, ecology and biological resources carried out by scientists of scientific institutions, higher educational institutions and citizens conducting research on personal initiative or within the framework of official assignments.

Priority in publication is given to the results obtained personally by the authors in the "field" conditions with the necessary subsequent processing in laboratory.

Materials can be presented in form of an original or review article, a short message, a review of a profile monograph, information about an international or all-Russian scientific event, notes about a famous scientist, and report of expedition.

Founder: Federal state autonomous educational establishment of higher education “Belgorod National Research University”.

Publisher: Federal state autonomous educational establishment of higher education “Belgorod National Research University”.

Chief editor: Vladimir I. Cherniavskih

Publication frequency: 4 /year.

The journal has been registered at the Federal service for supervision of communications information technology and mass media (Roskomnadzor).

The Journal is an online edition.
The online edition has been registered at the Federal service for supervision of communications information technology and mass media (Roskomnadzor). Mass media registration number: ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 80156 December 31, 2020

International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 2712-9047

The publication of articles in the Journal is free!
Articles are published based on the results of peer review.
The Editorial Board of the Journal works only with the authors of articles.

The Journal is included in the scientific base of the Russian index of science citation (RISC) (License Agreement № 214-05/2019 of May 24, 2019).

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2025)
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