New Records of Alcidodes karelinii (Boheman, 1844) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Stavropol Region, Russia
Alcidodes karelinii (Boheman, 1844), Stavropol Region, new records, adventive species, distributionAbstract
The data on discoveries of an adventive species of weevil Alcidodes karelinii (Boheman, 1844) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Stavropol Region are presented. A. karelinii is collected in July and August 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2020 on forbs in an abandoned arable land, at the edge of a sunflower field, in a robinium forest belt, in a weedy grasses of cultivated plots. The material is collected by methods of entomological net mowing and soil trap lines. The species occurs sporadically in the Region, and is few in number in its habitats. The new records supply the data on the distribution of A. karelinii in the Cis-Caucasus.
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