Stocks of Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. in Small River Ild (Yaroslavl Region, Russia)
vegetation cover, vegetation resources, small river, phytocoenosis, yellow water lilly, lowmolecular volatile organic compounds, phytol, manol, furfuralAbstract
The information about bugs (Heteroptera) of the North-East European part of Russia based on the original and literature material is given in the article. Material collected June – August 2001–2019, mowing with entomological net on herbaceous and shrub vegetation, manual method of collecting true bugs, the entomological umbrella, soil traps of Barberа and window traps. A 4 % formalin solution was used as a fixing fluid. The annotated list includes 32 species from 24 genera, 8 subfamilies and 5 families: Pentatomidae (21), Acanthosomatidae (6), Cydnidae (2 вида), Scutelleridae (2), Thyreocoridae (1). The species composition of Pentatomoidea of the North-East of the European part of Russia is the most similar to the fauna of the Pentatomoidea of Finland (ICs=80 %, total 30 species). Pentatomoidea specific diversity is changing northwards: in southern taiga 21 species, middle taiga 28, the nine in the Northern taiga and five in the extreme Northern taiga. Forest and meadow complex of species revealed: tamno- and dendrobionts (37 %, 12 species), hortobionts (44 %, 14 species) and herpeto-hortobionts (19 %, 6 species). Studied tier distribution of species. Analyzed arealogical structure shows, that the base of regional fauna consists of palaearctic (28 %), west-central palaearctic (25%) and transeurasian (22 %) species. Latitudially, the temperate-subtropical group is presented richly (75 %). The study material, ecological features and geographical distribution for each species are noted.
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