A Study of Morphometric Indicators of Seed Productivity Medicago varia Mart. with mf-mutation in Different Ecotopes of the South of the Central Russian Upland


  • Zh.A. Borodaeva Belgorod National Research University




alfalfa, multifolia, mf-mutation, seed productivity, morphometric indicators, genetic resources


In 2016–2018 in different ecotopes of agrophytocenoses of the Chernyansky district of the Belgorod region, a comparative study of the production process in varietal populations of Medicago varia Mart. was conducted. with high expression of the mf mutation and initial sortopulation. The most favorable conditions, both for the formation of seed productivity elements and for the production process as a whole, are formed under conditions of agrophytocenosis of field crop rotation on chernozem soil: the seed productivity of the initial variety population was 47.77 g/m2, and the variety population M. varia Mart. (mf) – 63.72 g/m2. In individuals with the mf-mutation, 47.1 % less productive shoots were formed, 16.8 % more beans per one fertility, 42.0 % more fruit shoots per productive shoot, and the weight of 1000 seeds was 8.1 % higher. On sandy soil, seed productivity was 20.86 and 27.27 g/m2, respectively. In individuals with the mf-mutation, 41.1 % less productive shoots were formed, 18.9 % more beans per one fertility and 29.4 % more number of fertility shoots per productive shoot. Under the conditions of meadow agrophytocenosis in M. varia Mart. (st) seed productivity was 9.63 g/m2, in M. varia Mart. (mf) – 5.39 g/m2. Individuals M. varia Mart. (st) retained the ability to form a large number of productive shoots. No significant differences were found for the remaining productivity elements. Forms with the mf mutation can be recommended to be used as a genetic resource when conducting selections for maximum productivity in favorable ecotopic conditions. The initial forms of alfalfa have high environmental sustainability, which is manifested under unfavorable conditions for their growth.


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How to Cite

Borodaeva, Z. (2019). A Study of Morphometric Indicators of Seed Productivity Medicago varia Mart. with mf-mutation in Different Ecotopes of the South of the Central Russian Upland. Field Biologist Journal, 1(3), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.18413/2658-3453-2019-1-3-123-130



Biological resources