Analysis of the Distribution of Flora Species in the Altitudinal Zones of the Eastern Part of the Skalistyy Ridge Between the Terek and Argun Rivers


  • M.A. Taysumov Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic
  • M.U. Umarov Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic
  • M.A.-M. Astamirova Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • L.V. Bagmet Federal Research Center All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilova
  • E.R. Baybatyrova Chechen State Pedagogical University



flora, high-altitude belts, petrophytic species, the Rocky Range of the Caucasus, ecological groups of plants


The article presents the results of studies on the inventory of flora of the eastern part of the Rocky Range between the Terek and Argun rivers. Their goal is to assess their ecological confinement and develop biodiversity conservation issues in the region. Identified common features in the formation of the corresponding petrophilic flora of the highlands of the Greater Caucasus. A study of the spectra of ecological groups showed that hemicryptophytes dominate in all zones. This confirms the moderately arctic appearance of the petrophilic complexes of the study area. At the same time, there is a tendency to increase in the biological spectra of the proportion of species with highly adapted life forms. Wide limits on the variability of the level of obligability of petrophytic species with respect to the substrate are established. The altitudinal-belt distribution of 151 species of petrophyte flora of the eastern part of the Rocky Range between the Terek and Argun rivers is shown: 99 species were found in the semiarid belt, 62 species are confined to the forest belt, 85 belong to the subalpine zone and 52 species to the Alpine.


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How to Cite

Taysumov, M., Umarov, M., Astamirova, M.-M., Bagmet, L., & Baybatyrova, E. (2019). Analysis of the Distribution of Flora Species in the Altitudinal Zones of the Eastern Part of the Skalistyy Ridge Between the Terek and Argun Rivers. Field Biologist Journal, 1(3), 110-122.


