New Data on the Flora of the Belgorod Region Railways (Based on the Records of 2019)


  • А.Ю Курской Belgorod State National Research University
  • V.N. Zelenkova Belgorod State National Research University



flora, alien species, railways, biodiversity, Belgorod region


In August 2019, three sections of railways in the eastern, southern and central parts of the Belgorod region were examined. It was revealed that 39.4 % of the species of vascular plants are alien to the region. Alien species belong to 22 families (61.1 % of the total number of families), 44 genera (43.1 % of the total number of genera). The largest share of alien species (35.8 %) was recorded at the «Soloti» railway station (Valuysky urban district). At the railway station of Tomarovka (Yakovlevsky city district), alien species account for 44.8 %. The smallest number of alien species (43.1 %) was found at the railway station «94th km» (Alekseevsky city district). It was established that in the flora of the studied areas, among the life forms, the number of species is dominated by grassy polycarpics (45.3 %), followed by annuals (28.5 %), grassy monocarpics (16.8 %), trees (6.6%), and shrubs (2.9 %). By geographical origin, European species dominate in the flora (73.0 %), the remaining species are distributed as follows: North American (14.6 %), Siberian (5.1 %), Asian (3.6 %), Caucasian (1.5 %), Mediterranean (1.5 %), and Black Sea Caspian (0.7 %).


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How to Cite

Курской, А., & Zelenkova, V. (2020). New Data on the Flora of the Belgorod Region Railways (Based on the Records of 2019). Field Biologist Journal, 2(1), 4-13.


