Desert and Semi-desert Species of Lepidoptera of Naryn Valley (Inner Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan)


  • Stanislav K. Korb Russian Entomological Society, Nizhny Novgorod Division



Lepidoptera, butterflies, desert species, semi-desert species, Kyrgyzstan


The speciation centers value within the mountainous Middle Asia insects fauna origin was noted several times, but the Lepidoptera fauna of Inner Tian-Shan remain still poorly studied. Thus the author researched desert and semidesert elements in the Lepidoptera fauna recorded in 2009–2019 on the territory of Naryn valley. Over 10 000 specimens have been studied. The specimens of these species have no morphological differences from the ones collected in Ferghana valley and adjacent areas of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. All recorded in the region species are detected in Naryn valley. These species records are evidences of the direct linkage between Naryn valley and foothills of West Tian-Shan and neighboring Ferghana valley. Results of this study adding new data into knowledge of the Inner Tian-Shanian biodiversity.


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Author Biography

Stanislav K. Korb, Russian Entomological Society, Nizhny Novgorod Division

Independent Researcher,
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


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How to Cite

Korb, S. K. (2021). Desert and Semi-desert Species of Lepidoptera of Naryn Valley (Inner Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan). Field Biologist Journal, 3(3), 255-269.


