The Estimation problem of Indicator Ability of Closed Related Lichen's Species Based on Spectral Analysis


  • Alexandra F. Meysurova Tver State University
  • Alexander A. Notov Tver State University



Hypogymnia physodes, Hypogymnia tubulosa, epiphytic lichens, AAS-ICP analysis, macronutrients, trace elements, heavy metals, biomonitoring, Tver region


Epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes is widely used in the biomonitoring of environmental condition. The lichen is widely spread and is able to grow in terms of moderate technogenic pollution. However, not all of the systematically related species turn out to have the same stability. Taxonomically close kind of species such as Hypogymnia tubulosa disappears fast as a result of ecosystem's transformation. The aim of the work was to consider the estimation problem of indicator ability of systematically related species and analyse their elemental content with the use of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The experiment on Hypogymnia indicates that H. tabulosa has a high accumulating ability to calcium, iron, lithium and also heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, aluminium, titan, stibium compared with H. physodes. However, this kind of species appears to be resistant to arsenic. The analysis that includes elemental content and physio-biochemical characterists of closely related lichen's species will enable people to understand the species' resistant mechanisms and vulnerability of the other in the polluted environmental conditions and will become the basis to arrange recommendations of the nature preservation events.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra F. Meysurova, Tver State University

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Botany of Tver State University,
Tver, Russia

Alexander A. Notov, Tver State University

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Botany of Tver State University,
Tver, Russia


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How to Cite

Meysurova, A. F., & Notov, A. A. (2021). The Estimation problem of Indicator Ability of Closed Related Lichen’s Species Based on Spectral Analysis. Field Biologist Journal, 3(1), 64-73.


