Cenopopulations of Hyssopus officinalis L. in the Belgorod Region: Spatial Structure and Bioresource Potential


  • Sergei V. Filatov Korochansk agricultural college
  • Dmitriy V. Dumachev Belgorod Oncological Dispensary




species richness, green mass productivity, seed productivity, biological resources, Central Russian Upland


Seven cenopopulations of H. officinalis L. were studied in the basin of the Manzhokha River in the south of the Central Russian Upland. The area of hyssop cenopopulations varies from 570 to 9000 m2; the number of specimens – from 347 to 1.340; the density of cenopopulations – from 0.22 to 0.74 specimens/m2. Specimens of H. officinalis L. in cenopopulations are characterized by a random group arrangement. The resistance of H. officinalis L. specimens on the slopes along the roads was shown. This makes the culture promising for green building and for strengthening the slopes of the roads. During the flowering period, H. officinalis L. forms thickets with a productivity from 281.1 to 871.1 kg of raw material. Cenopopulations growing on chalk outcrops are promising for the collection of H. officinalis L. raw materials. In all habitats, individuals of H. officinalis L. have stable seed productivity in the range from 6.56 to 9.54 g per individual.


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Author Biographies

Sergei V. Filatov, Korochansk agricultural college

Teacher, Korochansk Agricultural College,
Belgorod Region, Korocha, Russia

Dmitriy V. Dumachev, Belgorod Oncological Dispensary

Oncologist-chemotherapist, Belgorod Oncological Dispensary,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Filatov, S. V., & Dumachev, D. V. (2022). Cenopopulations of Hyssopus officinalis L. in the Belgorod Region: Spatial Structure and Bioresource Potential. Field Biologist Journal, 4(1), 80-90. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-9047-2022-4-1-80-90



Biological resources